Water law rules in Ancient Rome
water law, Roman law, water in Roman law, water protection
The paper wishes to show the main Roman legal rules connected with waters. These rules are discussed in the
following order: (1) the legal position of the sea and the seashore; (2) the rules connected with public rivers
(ownership rules, provisions for the sake of the undisturbed navigation, flood protection measures); (3) the rules of
building, using, repairing of the public works connected with waters (bridges, aqueducts, sewers, baths); (4) predial
servitudes connected with water; (5) the problems of damage caused by rainwater in the field of neighbouring rights
(the rules of the actio aquae pluviae arcendae).
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2. Ashby T (1935) The Aqueducts of Ancient Rome, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
3. Bajánházy I (2000) Sana aqua – bona aqua. A vízvezetékek a római jog tükrében,
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85. születésnapjára, Bíbor Kiadó, Miskolc, pp. 75–98.
4. Bannon C J (2001) Servitudes for Water Use in the Roman ’Suburbium’, Historia
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5. Bannon C J (2009) Gardens and Neighbors. Private Water Rights in Roman Italy,
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6. Bannon C (2017) Fresh Water in Roman Law. Rights and Policy, The Journal of
Roman Studies 107, pp. 60–89, doi:10.1017/S007543581700079X
7. Benedek F & Pókecz Kovács A (2016) Római magánjog, 4. kiadás, Dialóg Campus
Kiadó, Budapest–Pécs.
8. Brödner E (1983) Die römischen Thermen und das antike Badewesen, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt.
9. Bruun C (1991) The Water Supply of Ancient Rome. A Study of Roman Imperial
Administration, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki.
10. Bruun C (2012) Roman Emperors and Legislation on Public Water Use in the
Roman Empire. Clarifications and Problems, Water History 4(1), pp. 11–33.
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12. Campbell B (2012) Rivers and the Power of Ancient Rome, The University of North
Carolina Press, Chapell Hill.
13. Capogrossi Colognesi L (1966) Ricerche sulla struttura delle servitù d’acqua in diritto
romano, Giuffrè, Milano.
14. Costa E (1919) Le acque nel diritto romano, Zanichelli, Bologna.
15. De Kleijn G (2001) The Water Supply of Ancient Rome. City Area, Water, and
Population, J. C. Gieben, Amsterdam.
16. Diósdi Gy (1973) A római jog világa, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
17. Ehmig U (2011) Überlegungen zu den Regenwasser-Servituten, Revue internationale
des droits de l’antiquité 58(3), pp. 175–179.
18. Evans H B (1982) Agrippa’s Water Plan, American Journal of Archeology 86, pp. 401–
19. Evans H B (1994) Water Distribution in Ancient Rome. The Evidence of Frontinus, The
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
20. Fenn P T Jr (1925) Justinian and the Freedom of the Sea, The American Journal of
International Law 19(4), pp. 716–727.
21. Fiorentini M (2003) Fiumi e mari nell’esperienza giuridica romana, Giuffrè, Milano.
22. Földi A & Hamza G (2001) A római jog története és institúciói, 6. kiadás, Nemzeti
Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest.
23. Franciosi G (1967) Studi sulle servitù prediali, Jovene, Napoli.
24. Geißler K (1998) Die öffentliche Wasserversorgung im römischen Recht, Duncker &
Humblot, Berlin.
25. Grosso G (1932) Sulla servitù di aquae haustus, Bulletino dell’Istituto di Diritto Romano
40, pp. 401–436.
26. Hainzmann M (1975) Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Verwaltung der stadtrömischen
Wasserleitungen, Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs, Wien.
27. Heinz W (1983) Römische Thermen. Badewesen und Badeluxus, Hirmer Verlag,
28. Herschel C (1913) The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius
Frontinus, 2. kiadás, Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1913.
29. Hinker H (1992) Grundzüge des öffentlichen römischen Wasserrechts, in:
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Gunter Wesener zum 60. Geburtstag am 3. Juni 1992, Leykam Buchverlag, Graz, pp.
30. Hodge A T (1991) Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply, Duckworth, London.
31. Hopkins J (2007) The Cloaca Maxima and the Monumental Manipulation of Water
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32. Longo G (1934) Sull’uso delle acque pubbliche in diritto romano, in: Albertario E,
ed., Studi in memoria di Umberto Ratti, Giuffrè, Milano, pp. 55–93.
33. Molnár I & Jakab É (2004) Római jog, 3. kiadás, Leges Kiadó, Szeged.
34. Nótári T (2011) Római köz- és magánjog, Lectum Kiadó, Szeged.
35. Orestano R (1935) Concessione personale e concessione reale dello ius aquae
ducendae ex castello (contributo all’esegesi del fr. I. 38–43 D. 43.20 di Ulpiano),
Bulletino dell’Istituto di Diritto Romano 43, pp. 297–313.
36. Palma A (1987) Le derivazioni di acqua ex castello, Index 15, pp. 439–457.
37. Panimolle G (1968) Gli acquedotti di Roma antica, Abete, Roma.
38. Peachin M (2004) Frontinus and the curae of the curator aquarum, Franz Steiner Verlag,
39. Plescia J (1993) The Roman Law on Waters, Index 21, pp. 433–451.
40. Póczy K (1980) Közművek a római kori Magyarországon, Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
41. Robinson O F (1980) The Water Supply of Rome, Studia et documenta historiae et iuris
46, pp. 44–86.
42. Robinson O F (1984) Baths. An Aspect of Roman Local Government Law, in:
Giuffrè V, ed., Sodalitas. Scritti in onore di Antonio Guarino 3, Jovene, Napoli, pp.
43. Robinson O F (1992) Ancient Rome. City Planning and Administration, Routledge,
London–New York.
44. Rodger A (1972) Owners and Neighbors in Roman Law, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
45. Sargenti M (1940) L’actio aquae pluviae arcendae, Giuffrè, Milano.
46. Schönbauer E (1934) Die actio aquae pluviae arcendae, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung
für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 54, pp. 233–257.
47. Shipley F W (1933) Agrippa’s Building Activities in Rome, Washington University
Press, St. Louis.
48. Sitzia F (1977) Ricerche in tema di ’actio aquae pluviae arcendae’. Dalle XII tavole all’epoca
classica, Giuffrè, Milano.
49. Terrazas Ponce J D (2012) La tutela jurídica del agua en el Derecho Romano,
Revista Chilena de Derecho Romano 39(2), pp. 371–409.
50. Van Deman E B (1934) The Building of the Roman Aqueducts, Carnegie Institution,
51. Ware E F (1905) Roman Water Law, West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn.
52. Watson A (1968) The Law of Property in the Later Roman Republic, Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
53. Weiß E (1925) Die Rechtsschutz des römischen Wasserleitungen, Zeitschrift der
Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 45, pp. 87–116.
54. Yegül F K (2010) Bathing in the Roman World, Cambridge University Press, New
Press, Baltimore.
2. Ashby T (1935) The Aqueducts of Ancient Rome, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
3. Bajánházy I (2000) Sana aqua – bona aqua. A vízvezetékek a római jog tükrében,
in: Szabó B & Sáry P, ed. (2000) „Dum spiro doceo”. Ünnepi tanulmányok Huszti Vilmos
85. születésnapjára, Bíbor Kiadó, Miskolc, pp. 75–98.
4. Bannon C J (2001) Servitudes for Water Use in the Roman ’Suburbium’, Historia
50(1), pp. 34–52.
5. Bannon C J (2009) Gardens and Neighbors. Private Water Rights in Roman Italy,
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
6. Bannon C (2017) Fresh Water in Roman Law. Rights and Policy, The Journal of
Roman Studies 107, pp. 60–89, doi:10.1017/S007543581700079X
7. Benedek F & Pókecz Kovács A (2016) Római magánjog, 4. kiadás, Dialóg Campus
Kiadó, Budapest–Pécs.
8. Brödner E (1983) Die römischen Thermen und das antike Badewesen, Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt.
9. Bruun C (1991) The Water Supply of Ancient Rome. A Study of Roman Imperial
Administration, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki.
10. Bruun C (2012) Roman Emperors and Legislation on Public Water Use in the
Roman Empire. Clarifications and Problems, Water History 4(1), pp. 11–33.
11. Bruun C (2015) Water use and productivity in Roman agriculture: selling, sharing,
servitudes, in: Erdkamp P, Verboven, K & Zuiderhoek A, ed., Ownership and
Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, pp. 132–149.
12. Campbell B (2012) Rivers and the Power of Ancient Rome, The University of North
Carolina Press, Chapell Hill.
13. Capogrossi Colognesi L (1966) Ricerche sulla struttura delle servitù d’acqua in diritto
romano, Giuffrè, Milano.
14. Costa E (1919) Le acque nel diritto romano, Zanichelli, Bologna.
15. De Kleijn G (2001) The Water Supply of Ancient Rome. City Area, Water, and
Population, J. C. Gieben, Amsterdam.
16. Diósdi Gy (1973) A római jog világa, Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
17. Ehmig U (2011) Überlegungen zu den Regenwasser-Servituten, Revue internationale
des droits de l’antiquité 58(3), pp. 175–179.
18. Evans H B (1982) Agrippa’s Water Plan, American Journal of Archeology 86, pp. 401–
19. Evans H B (1994) Water Distribution in Ancient Rome. The Evidence of Frontinus, The
University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
20. Fenn P T Jr (1925) Justinian and the Freedom of the Sea, The American Journal of
International Law 19(4), pp. 716–727.
21. Fiorentini M (2003) Fiumi e mari nell’esperienza giuridica romana, Giuffrè, Milano.
22. Földi A & Hamza G (2001) A római jog története és institúciói, 6. kiadás, Nemzeti
Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest.
23. Franciosi G (1967) Studi sulle servitù prediali, Jovene, Napoli.
24. Geißler K (1998) Die öffentliche Wasserversorgung im römischen Recht, Duncker &
Humblot, Berlin.
25. Grosso G (1932) Sulla servitù di aquae haustus, Bulletino dell’Istituto di Diritto Romano
40, pp. 401–436.
26. Hainzmann M (1975) Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Verwaltung der stadtrömischen
Wasserleitungen, Verband der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Österreichs, Wien.
27. Heinz W (1983) Römische Thermen. Badewesen und Badeluxus, Hirmer Verlag,
28. Herschel C (1913) The Two Books on the Water Supply of the City of Rome of Sextus Julius
Frontinus, 2. kiadás, Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1913.
29. Hinker H (1992) Grundzüge des öffentlichen römischen Wasserrechts, in:
Klingenberg G, Rainer J M & Stiegler H, Hrsg., Vestigia Iuris Romani. Festschrift für
Gunter Wesener zum 60. Geburtstag am 3. Juni 1992, Leykam Buchverlag, Graz, pp.
30. Hodge A T (1991) Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply, Duckworth, London.
31. Hopkins J (2007) The Cloaca Maxima and the Monumental Manipulation of Water
in Archaic Rome, The Waters of Rome 4, pp.1–15.
32. Longo G (1934) Sull’uso delle acque pubbliche in diritto romano, in: Albertario E,
ed., Studi in memoria di Umberto Ratti, Giuffrè, Milano, pp. 55–93.
33. Molnár I & Jakab É (2004) Római jog, 3. kiadás, Leges Kiadó, Szeged.
34. Nótári T (2011) Római köz- és magánjog, Lectum Kiadó, Szeged.
35. Orestano R (1935) Concessione personale e concessione reale dello ius aquae
ducendae ex castello (contributo all’esegesi del fr. I. 38–43 D. 43.20 di Ulpiano),
Bulletino dell’Istituto di Diritto Romano 43, pp. 297–313.
36. Palma A (1987) Le derivazioni di acqua ex castello, Index 15, pp. 439–457.
37. Panimolle G (1968) Gli acquedotti di Roma antica, Abete, Roma.
38. Peachin M (2004) Frontinus and the curae of the curator aquarum, Franz Steiner Verlag,
39. Plescia J (1993) The Roman Law on Waters, Index 21, pp. 433–451.
40. Póczy K (1980) Közművek a római kori Magyarországon, Műszaki Könyvkiadó,
41. Robinson O F (1980) The Water Supply of Rome, Studia et documenta historiae et iuris
46, pp. 44–86.
42. Robinson O F (1984) Baths. An Aspect of Roman Local Government Law, in:
Giuffrè V, ed., Sodalitas. Scritti in onore di Antonio Guarino 3, Jovene, Napoli, pp.
43. Robinson O F (1992) Ancient Rome. City Planning and Administration, Routledge,
London–New York.
44. Rodger A (1972) Owners and Neighbors in Roman Law, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
45. Sargenti M (1940) L’actio aquae pluviae arcendae, Giuffrè, Milano.
46. Schönbauer E (1934) Die actio aquae pluviae arcendae, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung
für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 54, pp. 233–257.
47. Shipley F W (1933) Agrippa’s Building Activities in Rome, Washington University
Press, St. Louis.
48. Sitzia F (1977) Ricerche in tema di ’actio aquae pluviae arcendae’. Dalle XII tavole all’epoca
classica, Giuffrè, Milano.
49. Terrazas Ponce J D (2012) La tutela jurídica del agua en el Derecho Romano,
Revista Chilena de Derecho Romano 39(2), pp. 371–409.
50. Van Deman E B (1934) The Building of the Roman Aqueducts, Carnegie Institution,
51. Ware E F (1905) Roman Water Law, West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn.
52. Watson A (1968) The Law of Property in the Later Roman Republic, Oxford University
Press, Oxford.
53. Weiß E (1925) Die Rechtsschutz des römischen Wasserleitungen, Zeitschrift der
Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 45, pp. 87–116.
54. Yegül F K (2010) Bathing in the Roman World, Cambridge University Press, New