Vízjogi szabályok az ókori Rómában

  • Pál Sáry Miskolci Egyetem, Állam-és Jogtudományi Kar, Jogtörténeti és Jogelméleti Intézet, Római Jogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: vízjog, római jog, víz a római jogban, vízvédelem


The paper wishes to show the main Roman legal rules connected with waters. These rules are discussed in the
following order: (1) the legal position of the sea and the seashore; (2) the rules connected with public rivers
(ownership rules, provisions for the sake of the undisturbed navigation, flood protection measures); (3) the rules of
building, using, repairing of the public works connected with waters (bridges, aqueducts, sewers, baths); (4) predial
servitudes connected with water; (5) the problems of damage caused by rainwater in the field of neighbouring rights
(the rules of the actio aquae pluviae arcendae).


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