Certain steps of the regulation of the gas market model changes in Hungary
More than a decade after the European and domestic market liberalization, looking back to the process that led to a structural reform of the sector, we are now distant enough to to re-examine and evaluate the steps taken at that time. The aim of this study is to review the changes of the market model of the gas market in the light of the law and state involvement. We do not seek to explore economic and political relations, not disputing the importance of these, nor the significance of state supervision and coordination, especially the role of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (HEA) in the field. The examination of the integration of the domestic market to the international market structure does not fall into the scope of this paper either, with the exception of the energy policy regulation of the European Union. The focus is on the comparison between the model that was dreamed up in the ’90s and the one which has developed until the present day, as well as the regulatory model that led so far.
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