The Role and Activity of the Deputy Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Ombudsman for Future Generations in Shaping Environmental Protection in Hungary

  • Enikő Krajnyák PhD Student at the Ferenc Deák Doctoral School of Law, University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law; Scientific Researcher at the Central European Academy


The study analyzes the position and the work of the Hungarian Ombudsman for Future Generations in light of the global development of the institutional protection of future generations. The Hungarian model has an outstanding role both at the domestic and international levels: not only does it influence environmental protection in the country but it could also serve as a role model for similar institutions to be established in other countries in the future. The paper gives an overview of the institutional protection of future generations in international law and introduces the historical development and the legislative framework for the establishment of the institution in Hungary, and lastly, briefly presents the different rights and duties of the Ombudsman with a particular focus on recent achievements and initiatives.


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