A mezőgazdasági üzemre vonatkozó szabályok jogösszehasonlító elemzésben

  • Zsófia Hornyák Miskolci Egyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Agrár- és Munkajogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: mezőgazdasági üzem, jogösszehasonlítás, jogi szabályozás


In Hungary the agricultural land means the subject of the regulation, and not the agricultural holding. We have to wait for the creation of the special rules-contained Act regarding to the agricultural holding yet. We can find only one definition in reference to the category of the agricultural holding in the Land Transaction Act. Because of the lack of the Hungarian regulation, we are analysing the solutions of countries that could serve as a model for the Hungarian legislator in the future. We have chosen the countries of the Germanic legal system, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland, considering that this legal system is the closest to Hungary.
