A nemzetközi beruházási megállapodások és a magyar földforgalmi jog

  • János Ede Szilágyi Miskolci Egyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Agrár- és Munkajogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: földforgalmi jog, nemzetközi beruházások, Eurázsiai Gazdasági Unió


The present article focuses on cross-border acquisition of agricultural land regulated and/or affected by the international investment treaties. The present article applies the category of international investment treaties in a broader sense. First, the author deals with the legal background of these issues in the European Union law concentrating on the provisions of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Second, the author determines and details the theoretical concept of cross-border acquisition of agricultural lands. Third, the international investment treaties and their system are analysed especially referring to their agricultural investment aspects. The cross-border acquisition of agricultural lands has a quite strong relationship with the so-called foreign direct investments (FDI). In this part, the sketchy review of the binding international investment agreements – mainly affecting Hungary – goes along differentiating the universal, regional and bilateral international treaties. The system of Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) are also analysed in this part. Finally, some fixed and pending international investment treaties of the EU and their relevant provisions are presented.     
