Továbbfejlesztési irányok: földöröklés

  • Zsófia Hornyák Miskolci Egyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, Agrár- és Munkajogi Tanszék
Kulcsszavak: földöröklés, földforgalmi törvény, mezőgazdasági föld


The new Land Transaction Act was expected to enshrine in law the order of intestate succession relating to agricultural lands, because the previous Act was not included provision relating to agricultural inheritance too, but in more European countries there are special regulations in force, which are relating to this issue, but it has not been done. The legislature was explicitly excluded from the scope of the Act the case of the acquisition of landownership with intestate succession. Because of the lack of special rules, the agricultural land and the agricultural holding shall be inherited according to the general civil-law rules, which rules do not take into consideration the nature of the agricultural land, and it can have serious effects.
