Regulations of auction of agricultural and forestry lands particularly regarding to Judicial Enforcement Procedure

  • Eszter Kiss-Kondás University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law
  • Márk Gyovai University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law
Keywords: agricultural and forestry land, land auctions, judicial enforcement procedure, auction of immovable property, bailiff


Regulations of land auctions has been changed essentially by the Act CXXII of 2013 on Transactions in Agricultural and Forestry Land (Act CXXII of 2013): According to the Act CXXII of 2013 in the case of acquisition of ownership of land through auction or tendering as part of an enforcement or liquidation procedure, or local government debt consolidation procedure (hereinafter referred to as “auction”), the agricultural administration body shall carry out the auction as provided for in the decree adopted for the implementation of the Act, at the request of the bailiff, liquidator or fiduciary. In this way in connection with the land auctions the auction of immovable property rules of Act LIII of 1994 on Judicial Enforcement cannot be applied. The article aims to introduce regulations of selling agricultural forestry land by auction - particularly regarding to Judicial Enforcement Procedure - in detail: firstly the regulations in act level then the level of the implementation of the Act.
