Legal frame for the succession/transfer of agricultural property between the generations and the acquisition of agricultural property by legal persons – in Poland

  • Artur Kubaj Mezőgazdasági Rendszerstrukturálásért felelős Egység, Földügyi Osztály, Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium
Kulcsszavak: mezőgazdasági ingatlan, jogi személyek, tulajdonszerzés, öröklés, átruházás, generációváltás, fiatal gazda, Lengyelország


The article presents the most important rules concerning the transfer and inheritance of agricultural real estate in Poland, as well as the rules for the acquisition of such real estate by legal persons. In the part concerning the transfer of agricultural property, the methods and principles of acquisition agricultural property (including inheritance) by young farmers are indicated. In particular, the author focused on showing the facilities that favor the generational change in Poland. In the section on the acquisition of agricultural real estate by legal entities, the reader can find information about the conditions for such acquisition by entities from outside Poland. In particular, restrictions have been indicated, and the procedure for acquisition real estate has also been discussed.


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