A zöld hidrogén előállításának európai uniós és hazai szabályozása, a hazai szabályozással kapcsolatos alkotmányossági kérdések
The purpose of the present article is to review the relevant, recently published EU and national strategy documents, the role of hydrogen set out in them, and some key regulatory elements concerning hydrogen in the field of energy, following the introduction of renewable hydrogen and its possible uses. The article also focuses on the principles of the Fundamental Law, which are related to hydrogen and its uptake, and shares the constitutional dilemmas that can be related to the currently limited domestic regulation concerning hydrogen. It should be emphasized that partial amendments are already being made to the relevant regulations of the European Union, and the development of the domestic regulation is expected to begin in the short term, thus contributing to the achievement of the 2050 carbon-neutrality goal and laying down the basics of the hydrogen economy.
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