Summary of the ‘Protection of Future Generations in Central Europe: Good Practices and Developments at Constitutional Level and Current Challenges in the Legal Order’ Conference Organized by the Central European Academy of the University of Miskolc as Par

  • Enikő Krajnyák Central European Academy, Budapest/Miskolc, Hungary


On November 24, 2022, the Central European Academy organized a high-profile international conference entitled ‘Protection of Future Generations in Central Europe: Good Practices and Developments at Constitutional Level and Current Challenges in the Legal Order’ as part of the Central European Professors’ Network 2022. The conference was the coronation of the one-year cooperation of several researchers from seven countries of the Central European region (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia), who were conducting research under the guidance of János Ede Szilágyi on the topic of the constitutional framework for the protection of future generations and the environment. The most significant outcomes of the research include a book titled ‘Constitutional Protection of the Environment and Future Generations – Legislation and Practice in Certain Central European Countries’ to be published in January 2022; several scientific articles and dissemination events; as well as two international conferences, one of them being the present event. The research group for the constitutional framework for the protection of future generations and the environment is one of the five research groups currently working under the aegis of the Central European Professors’ Network 2022. This contribution summarizes the presentations at the conference and reflects on the work of the research group.


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Szilágyi J E (2021b) Some Values and Guarantees in the Ten-Year-Old Hungarian Constitution, With a Look at the Constitutional Arrangements of the Countries Founding the European Integration, Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 2(2), pp. 197–219;

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