Three amazing new species of the genus Chrysolina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) from China
Three new species of the genus Chrysolina Motschulsky, 1860, namely Сh. caspari sp. n., Ch. melchiori sp. n., and Ch. balthazari sp. n. are described from Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces of China. These species have rare or unique features. In Ch. caspari sp. n. the shape of the last maxillary palpomere (it is shorter and narrower than the penultimate one) is a rare case in the genus Chrysolina. Among Chinese species, this shape of maxillary palpi is known only in one species, Ch. pieli Chen, 1936. In Ch. melchiori sp. n. the relief of elytral surface (strongly reticulated irregular funnels bearing a puncture at the bottom, separated by smooth intervals) is unique for the genus Chrysolina. In Ch. balthazari sp. n. the relief of elytra (alternation of wide convex intervals between pairs of rows and very narrow flat or slightly convex intervals between rows of one pair) is well distinguishable from most Chrysolina members. Due to this feature, the new species can only be close to Ch. jinxiaoae Ge in: Daccordi, Ge, Cui, Yang, 2011 from North Sichuan. Photographs of habitus, external characters, and male aedeagi are presented.
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