Kelta temetkezések embertani vizsgálata Vác-Kavicsbánya lelőhelyről
In this paper the results of the physical anthropological analysis of 18 (12 inhumated, 6 cremated) Celtic graves – excavated from the site of Vác-Kavicsbánya – are presented. Among them 8 males, 7 females and 4 individuals of indeterminable sex (one of them is a child) could be distinguished. Due to the low number of the examinable graves the detailed paleodemographic analysis couldn’t be compiled. The morphometric analysis could be performed only in the case of 2 females, who showed the presence of the brachycranic individuals in the series. This anthropological component can be linked to the immigrant Celts. The pathological investigation based on macromorphological investigation, showed the occurrence of common diseases, which were characteristic in the prehistoric times (like poroticus hyperostosis or fracture). The examination of cremated graves showed that the amount/weight of the ashes was low, which could be caused by several factors (for example by selective collection of ashes from the pyre). Beside it, the colour of the ashes was mainly yellowish white, which suggests that the cremation proses were at a low temperature.
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