Sebészeti beavatkozások nyomai a XVIII. századi váci múmiákon
The primary purpose was to find cases where traces of contemporary surgical interventions can be observed during the examination of the remains of mummified individuals excavated from the crypt of the Dominican Church of the Whites in Vác (1) to get closer to the surgical techniques of the 18th century, (2) to gain information about the way and quality of contemporary health care. Initially, the research focused mainly on the most exceptional, spectacular cases. We looked for traces of autopsy or amputation. Meanwhile, we also found less notable but similarly valuable cases, ones we did not even think about at first.
When studying the preserved body surface of mummies, we found traces of cuts and presumably found remnants of contemporary bandages. These may be traces of surgical interventions that have been used to treat the various wounds. Traces of long-term bed restraint were also discovered on the back body surface of some mummies. In these cases, no trace of the cubitus's possible healing was found; only an attempt was made to cover and spare the damaged skin with a bandage. In many cases, we observed bandage residues on various body regions and presumably even found residues of the sticky top layers used to secure the bandage.
Contemporary surgeons were able to cure and repair sprains, it appears that the dislocated fractures could not be appropriately treated. Two leg fractures healed with axial dislocation and limb shortening were found.
The two dissected cases are entirely different from each other. It is suggested that in the 18th century, there was no generally accepted method to perform an autopsy, and according to our investigations, there was no mandatory protocol for it.
The case of Terézia Borsodi is the second documented post-mortem caesarean section in Hungary known so far. The case of Terézia Borsodi can be considered a medical historical curiosity by providing an opportunity for a detailed analysis of the contemporary caesarean section technique. The case of Vác is also unique in the world. To the best of our knowledge, nowhere else in the world the corpse of a mother, who died during a caesarean section, has survived.
As a result of the research, we also found traces of clearly post-mortem cuts that do not suggest an autopsy to determine deaths. These were smaller, short cuts that were only large enough to remove an internal organ. In two cases, an incision was found around the heart.
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