Felső-Tisza-vidéki, rangos, honfoglaló férfi szobrászi arcrekonstrukciója a tuzséri temetőből
The mature age individual excavated from the Tomb 6 of Tuzsér-Boszorkány-hegy cemetery, was a member of the prestigious Hungarian conquering communities in the Upper Tisza region. He was a taxonomically mixed European and Mongolian type. On the top of his predominantly Europid Pamirian skull, two symbolic trepanations were also visible. His paternal genetic line links him to the “Yakut subgroup”, within it was classified in the Turkic-conquering cluster, whose origin dates back to the Asian Hun era.
The facial reconstruction of the Tuzsér conqueror was done at the Hungarian Natural History Museum on a 3D plastic skull copy of the original skull. Using the sculptural anatomical method the thickness of the soft parts of the face was estimated based on a scientific data table. Each detail of the face was shaped according to the morphological correlations of the skull bones and soft tissues. The reconstructed facial features have a predominantly Europid appearance, but also faithfully reflect the mixed, Europid and Mongolian characteristics of the skull.
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