Az érvelés humora Jókai regényei alapján
On the humor of speech – On the basis of Jókai’s works
Humor has become a frequently investigated topic of today’s linguistics. It has been examined from several aspects but not from the humorous application of rhetorical argumentation. This study examines the humorous application of rhetorical argumentation using the texts of a writer who himself approached humor also theoretically, and collected humorous stories, especially anecdotes. So, we can observe the humor in the rhetorical argumentation: in examples (Gr. paradeigma) and enthymemes, in topical logic (definion, division, analogy, cause–effect–chain, contradiction, etc.); in the structure of narratives, and in semblances. Finally, the humor of elocution, the judicial process and the aesthetical dispute are analyzed in three romances of Jókai (the term romance is from Northrop Frye). Jókai’s humor can also be observed in several other style-phenomena: in tropes, schemes, etc.
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