Fostering Democratic Values for the Future
An In-Depth Exploration of Romania's Preuniversity Education System
delving into the subjects that contribute to the democratic values frame. We will investigate the active role of individuals in shaping cultural norms and emphasize the importance of their participation in manifesting democratic power within the state. Moreover, the study questions whether the education system effectively prepares the future generation to be responsible members of society. The paper starts with the concept of co-creation and assesses whether individuals are ready to understand or know its implications. It reviews the empowerment of individuals as active decision-makers in societal processes and their ability to critically reflect on social movements and evolution. Furthermore, the research explores whether the upcoming generation possesses values that enable them to reject or aspire to different ideologies. In addressing the relationship between individuals and civil society, the paper investigates when and how nongovernmentalorganizations play a role in the education of future generations' values. An essential aspect of the study is an analysis of the education system's contribution to promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Romania. The research evaluates whether citizens have the necessary values to protect and support a sustainable future. The methodological framework for the paper is structured around a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as literature and document review, content and comparative analysis, and a multidisciplinary approach to gather comprehensive insights. Through this comprehensive examination, the paper aims to contribute valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing Romania's preuniversity education system, strengthening civil society, and promoting a sustainable future.
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