Adaptation of the factors affecting the introduction of digital healthcare to the newly launched domestic outpatient management system

Keywords: digitization, outpatient management, innovation, healthcare, appointment


Digital development and the development of applications also appeared in healthcare, as in other areas of everyday life. However, the field of healthcare requires special attention due to special data, different health conditions, and special needs. Before the development and introduction of various developments, it is of particular importance to assess and understand the patients' needs, their technical readiness, and their positive and negative views. One of the most important pillars of efficient and space-conquering digital interfaces is development along the aforementioned aspects. Examining the successes and failures of the introduction of digital healthcare developments abroad, a number of factors can be identified that play a role in the implementation. In Hungary, a government decision was made to modernize the outpatient management system, with which they try to support one of the fundamental rights of patients, access to care, in addition to taking the burden off the health sector, which is struggling with a growing labor shortage, by transforming the appointment system, so that the capacity thus released can be used for patient care. as part of the research aimed at improving outpatient management the article examines the importance of the factors described above when introducing the digital appointment system and suggests operative steps for success.

How to Cite
KelenA., & KovácsE. (2024). Adaptation of the factors affecting the introduction of digital healthcare to the newly launched domestic outpatient management system. IME, 23(KSZ 1.), 31-37.