An overview of the situation of tube feeding in Hungary: challenges and possible solutions from a patient safety and health economics perspective

  • Anita Koczó Danone Magyarország Kft. NUTRICIA Otthonápoló Szolgálat, Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Menedzserképző Központ
  • Andrea Molnár Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola Egészségtudományi Tagozat Interdiszciplináris alkalmazott egészségtudományok program
  • Erika Sinka Lászlóné Adamik Semmelweis Egyetem Egészségügyi Menedzserképző Központ, NEVES Egyesület a Betegbiztonságért
Keywords: malnutrition, feeding tube, patient safety, hospital discharge, specialist care at home, financing


Abstract: Malnutrition, which signifies a pathological nutritional state, can have numerous negative effects on the patient, including the possibility of a fatal outcome. Furthermore, complications arising from inadequate nutrition burden the capacities of the healthcare system capacities. The research, utilizing national data and interviews, analyzes the current situation of tube feeding in Hungary and the possibilities for system support. The research involved 769 tube-fed patients in 2022 and 705 in 2023, who were admitted into the system of a home care service specialized in tube feeding between May and October of the respective years. The two main indicators of the study are the specialized ENFit syringe, conforming to international standards, suitable for tube feeding, and the safe patient pathway from the hospital. Our interventions in the two pilot hospitals showed significant results. The number of patients equipped with the ENFit syringe increased by more than 40% in one institution, while the other hospital demonstrated a 26% improvement. The process of safe discharge also showed significant improvement from both pilot hospitals. The study highlights the importance of practical implementation of tube feeding, with a special focus on educating patients and healthcare professionals, and the significance of communication and patient pathway management. Discharge from inpatient care requires particular attention from both patient safety and health economics perspectives. During this critical transition period, it is essential to ensure the availability of medical devices, specialized nutritional solutions, and home nursing care necessary for tube feeding. The study will demonstrate the impact that increasing healthcare professionals' knowledge of feeding tube, engaging and educating patients early, and optimising discharge processes can have on safe patient care and healthcare provider operation

Author Biography

Andrea Molnár, Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola Egészségtudományi Tagozat Interdiszciplináris alkalmazott egészségtudományok program

ORCID azonosítót a késöbbiekben pótóljuk. 

How to Cite
KoczóA., MolnárA., & Sinka Lászlóné AdamikE. (2024). An overview of the situation of tube feeding in Hungary: challenges and possible solutions from a patient safety and health economics perspective. IME, 23(2.), 17-28.