Motivational differences between fans of Hungarian football clubs
In the past decades, several studies have been conducted on the motivations of Hungarian football fans, but these have either dealt with the factors influencing spectators in aggregate or at the level of a single club. We hypothesise that it is necessary to examine fan motivation on a club-by-club basis, because the motivation of on-field spectators is probably not homogeneous nationally. The measurement tool of our research was the adapted, validated and nationally adapted SMSC (Scale for Motivators of Sport Consumption), which we have finalised and named the H-SMSC scale. The study sample for our questionnaire included supporters of nine NB I clubs, a total of 1,645 people. As a result of principal component analysis, eight motivational factors were identified, four intrinsic (loyalty and identification with the team, community fun, local patriotism and success) and four extrinsic (advertising and facility, spectacle, drama, good atmosphere). Our results confirmed our hypothesis, as for all motivational factors, significant differences were found between fans affiliated with different Hungarian teams. The H-SMSC fan motivation scale may provide an opportunity for Hungarian football clubs to explore the behaviour and motivations of their actual and potential consumers and to attract spectators to their stadiums.