The road to qualitative growth: Revisiting the concept of degrowth
The concept of degrowth, which advocates for quantitatively more restrained economic growth, is much maligned in mainstream economics. The aim of this paper is to provide constructive critique for this theory promoting qualitative growth and to encourage in-depth professional dialogue. It points out that the current socio-economic configuration does not allow for the achievement of sustainable development, therefore a more radical shift towards quality growth is in order. It then critically reviews the concept of degrowth representing a shift towards qualitative growth. In doing so it highlights the concept’s shortcomings, the ambiguity of its nexus with capitalism and democracy, and the neglect of the relevant role of modern industrial policy. In addition to a narrow interpretation of the concept, the transdisciplinary nature of the degrowth transition is also explored, incorporating relevant aspects of evolutionary science, systems theory and neuroscience. Finally, five insights are elaborated that may catalyse a degrowth research agenda and a meaningful professional dialogue.
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