“The Lord was Still Standing in Front of Abraham”
Did the Scribes Really Modify the Text of Gen 18?
The story described in Genesis 18 combines several elements of tradition. One of the interesting part of the text is verse 22 which, according to the Masoretic text, says ”Abraham was still standing before the Lord”, but the midrash Genesis Rabbah states that this text is tiqqun sopherim, i. e., a modification by the scribes. According to the midrash, ”the Lord stood before Abraham” is the original text. Although there is no written evidence for the existence of such an original text, it is interesting to note that a total of eighteen other tiqqun sopherim appear in rabbinic literature. The study analyzes the reasons this assumption was made about an original text. The paper states that this phenomenon may be based in the existence of different religious experiences.
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Internetes hivatkozások:
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The Syriac Peshitta Bible with English Translations. https://ebin.pub/qdownload/the-syriac-peshita-bible-with-english-translation-genesis-9781463207410-1463207417.html. (Megtekintés: 2023. május 15.)
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