In Ordered Relations: with the Natural and the Artificial

Can Artificial Intelligence Help Preserve the Order of Nature?

  • Ferenc Kiss Nyíregyházi Egyetem Környezettudományi Intézet
Keywords: nature, science, technology, environmental pollution, artificial intelligence


Polycrisis. We come across this expression more and more often. What could be the reason for this? There have always been crises in human history, but there have never been so many interconnected, global problems. In addition to all this, something has appeared that man has always dreamed of, but now does not know how to handle. A man-made device that resembles its creator. Will this creation called artificial intelligence (AI), which surpasses us in certain features, help solve global problems, or will it be used like fire and the wheel? Both helped our development. By connecting the two devices, they strengthened each other’s effect. Thus, for example, a rocket using the energy of fire sent a six-wheeled vehicle to Mars, where it searches for traces of life, hundreds of millions of kilometers from Earth. But there are also man-made six-wheeled vehicles that carry rockets to destroy human creations and man himself. Will our new, ’intelligent’ invention develop into a tool that will help us become a cosmic civilization by solving the polycrisis, or will it help us destroy ourselves before we can do that? Or will it help us stay behind on this cosmic reservation called Earth while it travels to the depths of the cosmos to create a new race and civilization? Exciting questions – and our future may depend on the correct answers. Whatever those may be, we cannot achieve any of our goals without Nature.

Author Biography

Ferenc Kiss, Nyíregyházi Egyetem Környezettudományi Intézet

főiskolai tanár



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