Drama Pedagogy in Religious Education
Possible Applications of the Results of Reform Pedagogy in Drama Pedagogy, or Theatre as a Tool of Narrative Theology
Drama pedagogy, broadly understood, is particularly well suited to putting the views of reform pedagogy into practice. Due to its distinct nature, religious education, including community building, can seamlessly connect with the realm of theatre. Simultaneously, akin to narrative theology, it reveals a uniquely different perspective. At the same time, concrete challenges must be met with concrete ideas. Each lesson, much like a sermon, is a unique event, ensuring that no two are ever the same. This event character is worth keeping in mind both from an experiential pedagogical point of view and from a theological one. In fact, these two aspects actually meet in the pupil, since where the sense of acceptance, of childlike freedom (creating, asking, etc.) predominates, there the possibility of religious recognition, encounter and personal faith can also appear.
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Egyéb források:
Novák Géza Máté: A drámapedagógia aktuális kérdéseiről. https://ojs.elte.hu/nevelestudomany/article/view/6569/5009 (2025. szeptember 3.)
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