The Ecumenical Significance of the Nicene Creed
A Sign of Visible Ecclesial Unity
The Creed, named after the location of the first ecumenical council (325), was accepted by all of Christianity from the outset. The Latins adopted it more slowly, with some insertions and modifications, and the disputes that arose as a result also played a role in the Great Schism (1054). Nevertheless, both Eastern and Western theologians insisted on it and made many efforts to resolve the conflict. In the course of modern ecumenical dialogues, theologians have recognized that the controversial addition (the filioque) and the original text of the council are not mutually exclusive contradictions but rather reflections of different perspectives. Therefore, if Western Christians recite the Nicene Creed without the post-council addition, they do not abandon their previous stance. This insight makes the Nicene Creed suitable as an expression and confession of a common apostolic faith, and thus a visible sign of the unity of the Church.
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