„A magyar feminizmus uttörője”?

Kánya Emília a kulturális emlékezetben

  • Bozsoki Petra Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskola


Petra Bozsoki
„Pioneer of Hungarian Feminism”?
Emília Kánya in Cultural Memory

Emília Kánya (1828–1905), the first female journal editor in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and founder of the journal Családi kör (1860–1880) is an important point in women studies. She was clearly exceptional both in the contemporary social context and in Hungarian women’s history, but not for the same reason. This paper analyzes the different representations? of Emília Kánya, concerning both obituaries and other forms of posthumous reception. The author’s question is: what is the relationship, what is the difference between the textual self-portrait (which was drawn in her articles and in her memoir) and the portrait, which was created by contemporary and subsequent cultural memory. According to the paper’s main statement, there is a difference between these images; this phenomenon has ideological causes, from which we may derive some conclusions about the writing of (Hungarian) women’s history.

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