Csont Judith – Szántó Judit – Pál Judit

Egy munkásmozgalmi életút avantgárd vonásai

  • Györgyi Földes BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézet


Judith Csont – Judit Szántó – Judit Pál: The avant-garde aspects of a life in thelabour movement

In the twenties, female Hungarian avant-garde writers were very rare. The only one whose name (beside that of Erzsi Újvári, Kassák’s younger sister) we can find in the magazine Ma, is Judith Csont better known as Judit Szántó, who is principally remembered as Attila József ’s companion, and a minor figure in the labour movement. This makes her expressionist-activist poem published in Ma (the only piece of her lyrical output we know of) extremely curious. The aim of this paper is to reveal the nature of Judit Szántó’s ties to the avant-garde movement, and examine the avant-garde characteristics of her activities.

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