"Greater arc injuries" - literature review in connection with a case report

  • Nora Peterfy Department of Traumatology and Hand Surgery, Saint John Central Hospital, Budapest, Hungary
  • Judit Reka Hetthessy Research Management Working Group of Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: Fracture fixation, internal; Joint dislocations; Lunate bone – Injuries; Wrist injuries – Diagnostic imaging;


Perilunate dislocations and fracture–dislocations are rare injuries, however, even if proper operative treatment and postoperative aftercare is performed, it is difficult to achieve good results. Greater arc injury is a fracture-dislocation pattern of injury involving the perilunate carpal bones and in some cases the radius with ligament damage; thereby damaging the biomechanical complex of the wrist. However, given that these injuries affect the young population active in work and sports, the aim is to restore the biomechanics, the range of motion and the loading capacity of the wrist, without leaving any pre-arthrotic elements behind. The authors review presents the etiology, incidence and main diagnostic (X-ray and CT) signs of the disorder, and its surgical treatment, postoperative fixation and rehabilitation methods. In addition to the case presentation of a 24-year-old male patient, questionable points of the care process and points that can be optimized are discussed in relation to his daily care.


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Case reports