About the Journal

Névtani Értesítő, founded in 1979, is a double-blind peer-reviewed Open Access journal of Hungarian onomastics, published yearly in print and online. It is co-published by the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest) and the Society of Hungarian Linguistics.

Due to the multidisciplinary nature of onomastics (i.e., name studies), the journal presents research on various subfields and topics of onomastics from various fields of science that may be of relevance. Névtani Értesítő equally welcomes articles with a theoretical, empirical, or applied focus. The section “Articles” releases papers introducing new research results not only from linguistic but also from historical, literary, or other relevant viewpoints. The section “Onomastics and Events” reports on current Hungarian and international onomastic research projects and events, and publishes  summaries of onomastic dissertations, defended in Hungary throughout the previous year. The purpose of the section “Book Reviews” is to present the latest publications (monographs, handbooks, onomastic volumes, name dictionaries etc.) of Hungarian and foreign onomastic literature. The journal maintains  relations with several international onomastic journals, the latest issues of which are reviewed in the section “Reviews on Periodicals”. In the “In memoriam” section, the journal publishes tributes to the recently deceased onomasticians.

The issues are published in Hungarian, with English abstracts and tables of contents.

Submitted papers go through a double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers are selected from among the members of the Editorial Board and among experts from various research and higher education institutions across the country and abroad. If the manuscript is of interdisciplinary nature, experts from appropriate fields may be invited to take part in the review process.

The journal publishes the authors’ own, original articles and does not consider for publication manuscripts that have already been published elsewhere or submitted to other journals, periodicals or publications. When submitting the manuscript, the author automatically accepts the terms and conditions put forward in the “Guidelines for Authors”.

Publishers do not charge the author for reviewing the submitted manuscript or, in case of positive reviews, for publication.

Névtani Értesítő is an Open Access (Platinum/Diamond) journal. All articles published in the journal in electronic format can be downloaded, copied, and used unaltered freely with bibliographic details referenced. Applications are not for commercial purposes. In case of any form of distribution and use Hungarian Law LXXVI of 1999 on copyright and related rules and regulations applies. The online version of the journal is made available under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons License “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The author is entitled to keep the copyright of the article; in case of a reprint, however, the author is obliged to indicate the complete bibliographic details of the first publication by the journal.

Névtani Értesítő is indexed in the following databases: DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, MLA International Bibliography, Sherpa Romeo, Scopus (international); EPA, HUMANUS, MATARKA (national). The journal is archived in ELTE EDIT, REAL and REAL-J repositories. Névtani Értesítő is an MTMT Qualified Journal. 

The journal uses CrossRef DOI.

HU ISSN 0139-2190 (print), ISSN 2064-7484 (online).

Contact: nevtert@btk.elte.hu