Place and personal names in the names of dishes on Hungarian gastronomy blogs and recipes on the Internet

  • Katalin Török Varsói Tudományegyetem
Keywords: names of dishes, personal names, place names, proper names in names of dishes, gastroblogs


Place and personal names in the names of dishes on Hungarian gastronomy blogs and recipes on the Internet  


The paper examines the names of dishes on Hungarian gastronomy blogs from a linguistic point of view. The author has collected 1380 names from one hundred blogs and collections of recipes on the Internet. The collected names include a Hungarian or a foreign place or personal name and were analysed with respect to their semantics and grammar. Place names in the names of dishes include the Hungarian names of settlements, regions, mountains, rivers; also the foreign names of countries, cities, regions, islands; and even the name of a continent. The names of famous people, politicians, historic figures, well-known chefs, TV stars and fictional characters, e.g. film or fairy tale characters can be found among the personal names listed. The examined names of dishes are most often qualifying, possessive or adverbial syntactic units. In many cases, the names include the blogger’s own name or that of the person from whom the blogger borrowed the recipe, or to whom the blogger dedicated the dish.
