Acquisition and inheritance of agricultural land in Bulgaria - from fragmentation towards consolidation
mezőgazdasági föld, földszerzés, öröklés, elaprózódás, konszolidáció, jogi személyek
The theory of agricultural land mobility tries to answer the question whether or not it is possible to produce more and cheaper agricultural goods through land consolidation. Acquisition, inheritance, and in the Bulgarian case also the use of property of agricultural lands, are an instrument for the vertical and real/literal integration of the farmers. However, they indirectly affect the access to agricultural land.
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2. Bain J S (2013) Barriers to New Competition: Their Character and Consequences in Manufacturing Industries, t.3 Harvard University Series on Competition in American Industry Series, Harvard University Press.
3. Beluhova-Uzunova R, Hristov K & Shishkova M (2020) Small Farms in Bulgaria – Trends and Perspectives, Agricultural Sciences, 11(25), pp. 59–66. doi: 10.22620/agrisci.2019.25.008
4. Benham Al & Benham L (2000) Measuring the costs of exchange, Chapters 24 in: Claude Ménard (ed.), Institutions, Contracts and Organizations, Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 367–375, doi:
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7. Bork R (1993) The Antitrust Paradox (s.ed.), New York: Free Press.
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9. Draganova M (2002) Collisions in the Transformations of Rural Life, Lik Publishing House.
10. Georgiev M & Roycheva A (2018) Rules on integration of organizations using agricultural land – an obstacle for competition, Book of proceedings International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM18 May 25–27, 2018, Bor, Serbia, pp. 548-559., doi:10.2139/ssrn.3275647
11. Gray H M (1960) Carl Kaysen аnd Donald F. Turner. Antitrust Policy: An Economic and Legal Analysis. pp. 23, 345. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 330(1), pp. 199–199, doi: 10.1177/000271626033000183
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14. Hovenkamp H (1990) Positivism in Law & Economics, California Law Review, 78(4), pp. 815–852.
15. Hovenkamp H (2010b) Antitrust and the Close Look: Transaction Cost Economics in Competition, Policy. pp. 1–14,
16. Hovenkamp H. (2010a) Harvard, Chicago, and Transaction Cost Economics in Antitrust Analysis, The Antitrust Bulletin, 55(3), pp. 613–662, doi: 10.1177/0003603X1005500305
17. Kay S (2016) Land Grabbing and Land Concentration in Europe. A Research Brief. Transnational Institute for HOTL, Amsterdam, December 2016, [04.11.2020]
18. Kopeva D, Noev N & Evtimov V (2002) Land fragmentation and land consolidation in the agricultural sector – A case study from Bulgaria. FAO. [04.11.2020]
19. McChesney F (2004). What'd I Say?: Coase, Demsetz and the Unending Externality Debate, pp.1-32,
20. Medarov G (2013) Land concentration, land grabbing and land conflicts in Europe: The case of Boynitsa in Bulgaria. 10 Bulgaria in Franco J & Borras S (eds.) In Land Concentration, Land Grabbing and People’s Struggles in Europe, Transnational Institute: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 5–236.
21. Ostrom E (1990) Governing the Commons. The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge University Press.
22. Pigou A (1920) The economics of welfare. London, Macmillan and Co.
23. Ploeg J VD, Franco JC & Borras Jr SM (2015) Land concentration and land grabbing in Europe: a preliminary analysis, Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 36(2) pp. 147–162, doi:10.1080/02255189.2015.1027673
24. Ruschev I (1999) Concluding contracts under General Conditions - Problems in the Doctrine and the Practice. Labor and law (Available 19.10.2020 e-page).
25. Stiglitz J (1974) The Review of Economic Studies Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping, Oxford University Press, 41(2), pp. 219–255, doi: 10.2307/2296714
26. Szilágyi J E, Raisz A & Kocsis B E (2017) New dimensions of the Hungarian agricultural law in respect of food sovereignty – A magyar agrárjog legújabb fejlődési irányai az élelmiszer-szuverenitás szempontjából. Agrár- és Környezetjog, 12 (22), pp. 160–201,
27. Tullock G (1980) Efficient rent-seeking. Toward a theory of the rent-seeking society. In: Buchanan J & Tollison R & Tullock G (eds.). College Station: Texas A&M Press. pp. 97–112.
28. Van Dijk T & Kopeva D (2006) Land banking and Central Europe: Future importance, current initiatives and Western European past experience. Land use policy, 23 (3), pp. 286–301,
29. Van Dijk T (2003). Scenarios of Central European Land Fragmentation. Land Use Policy, 20(2), pp. 149–158.
30. Williamson O (1991) Comparative Economic Organization: The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(2),
pp. 269–296, doi: 10.2307/239335
2. Bain J S (2013) Barriers to New Competition: Their Character and Consequences in Manufacturing Industries, t.3 Harvard University Series on Competition in American Industry Series, Harvard University Press.
3. Beluhova-Uzunova R, Hristov K & Shishkova M (2020) Small Farms in Bulgaria – Trends and Perspectives, Agricultural Sciences, 11(25), pp. 59–66. doi: 10.22620/agrisci.2019.25.008
4. Benham Al & Benham L (2000) Measuring the costs of exchange, Chapters 24 in: Claude Ménard (ed.), Institutions, Contracts and Organizations, Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 367–375, doi:
5. Boliari N (2013) Does Land Fragmentation Affect Land Productivity? Empirical Evidence from Bulgaria, Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies 94 (3),
pp. 273–302, doi: 10.4074/S1966960713003019
6. Boliari N (2017) Can Partible Inheritance Explain Land Fragmentation? The Case of Bulgaria, Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, 6(3) pp. 334–353,
7. Bork R (1993) The Antitrust Paradox (s.ed.), New York: Free Press.
8. Djankov S, La Porta R, Lopez-de-Silanes F & Shleifer A (2002) The Regulation of Entry, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(1) pp. 1–37.
9. Draganova M (2002) Collisions in the Transformations of Rural Life, Lik Publishing House.
10. Georgiev M & Roycheva A (2018) Rules on integration of organizations using agricultural land – an obstacle for competition, Book of proceedings International May Conference on Strategic Management – IMCSM18 May 25–27, 2018, Bor, Serbia, pp. 548-559., doi:10.2139/ssrn.3275647
11. Gray H M (1960) Carl Kaysen аnd Donald F. Turner. Antitrust Policy: An Economic and Legal Analysis. pp. 23, 345. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1959, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 330(1), pp. 199–199, doi: 10.1177/000271626033000183
12. Hardin G (1968) The Tragedy of the Commons, 162(3859), pp. 1243–1248, doi:10.1126/science.162.3859.1243
13. Hartvigsen M (2014) Land Mobility in a Central and Eastern European Land Consolidation Context. Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, 10(1), pp. 1-24.,
14. Hovenkamp H (1990) Positivism in Law & Economics, California Law Review, 78(4), pp. 815–852.
15. Hovenkamp H (2010b) Antitrust and the Close Look: Transaction Cost Economics in Competition, Policy. pp. 1–14,
16. Hovenkamp H. (2010a) Harvard, Chicago, and Transaction Cost Economics in Antitrust Analysis, The Antitrust Bulletin, 55(3), pp. 613–662, doi: 10.1177/0003603X1005500305
17. Kay S (2016) Land Grabbing and Land Concentration in Europe. A Research Brief. Transnational Institute for HOTL, Amsterdam, December 2016, [04.11.2020]
18. Kopeva D, Noev N & Evtimov V (2002) Land fragmentation and land consolidation in the agricultural sector – A case study from Bulgaria. FAO. [04.11.2020]
19. McChesney F (2004). What'd I Say?: Coase, Demsetz and the Unending Externality Debate, pp.1-32,
20. Medarov G (2013) Land concentration, land grabbing and land conflicts in Europe: The case of Boynitsa in Bulgaria. 10 Bulgaria in Franco J & Borras S (eds.) In Land Concentration, Land Grabbing and People’s Struggles in Europe, Transnational Institute: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 5–236.
21. Ostrom E (1990) Governing the Commons. The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge University Press.
22. Pigou A (1920) The economics of welfare. London, Macmillan and Co.
23. Ploeg J VD, Franco JC & Borras Jr SM (2015) Land concentration and land grabbing in Europe: a preliminary analysis, Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 36(2) pp. 147–162, doi:10.1080/02255189.2015.1027673
24. Ruschev I (1999) Concluding contracts under General Conditions - Problems in the Doctrine and the Practice. Labor and law (Available 19.10.2020 e-page).
25. Stiglitz J (1974) The Review of Economic Studies Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping, Oxford University Press, 41(2), pp. 219–255, doi: 10.2307/2296714
26. Szilágyi J E, Raisz A & Kocsis B E (2017) New dimensions of the Hungarian agricultural law in respect of food sovereignty – A magyar agrárjog legújabb fejlődési irányai az élelmiszer-szuverenitás szempontjából. Agrár- és Környezetjog, 12 (22), pp. 160–201,
27. Tullock G (1980) Efficient rent-seeking. Toward a theory of the rent-seeking society. In: Buchanan J & Tollison R & Tullock G (eds.). College Station: Texas A&M Press. pp. 97–112.
28. Van Dijk T & Kopeva D (2006) Land banking and Central Europe: Future importance, current initiatives and Western European past experience. Land use policy, 23 (3), pp. 286–301,
29. Van Dijk T (2003). Scenarios of Central European Land Fragmentation. Land Use Policy, 20(2), pp. 149–158.
30. Williamson O (1991) Comparative Economic Organization: The Analysis of Discrete Structural Alternatives. Administrative Science Quarterly, 36(2),
pp. 269–296, doi: 10.2307/239335