Cloninger's Biopsychosocial Personality Model Dimensions as Mediators Between Parenting Styles and Substance Use

  • Csilla Madarász University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Pécs, Hungary
  • Ákos Márton Reisz University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Pécs, Hungary
  • Ágnes Szidalisz Teleki University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Department of Personality and Health Psychology, Pécs, Hungary
Keywords: personality, parental styles, substance use


INTRODUCTION: Our research set out to analyse the mediator effect of Cloninger’s psychobiological model between parental styles and substance use. We were also interested whether parental style directly impacts substance use.

METHODOLOGY: We used the shortened version of the Hungarian TCI questionnaire (TCI-55), the Hungarian version of the PBI (H-PBI), and a questionnaire made by us in order to measure substance use, which contained among other questions the Hungarian version of AUDIT-C as well. Most of the 165 participants are university students.

RESULTS: The results suggest that certain dimensions of parental styles have an impact on Novelty seeking, Harm avoidance, and Self-directedness. The temperament dimensions influence the consumption of alcohol, the starting age of marijuana use, and smoking tendencies, while Self-directedness has an impact on smoking habits and alcohol consumption. We found that parental styles do not have an impact on substance use directly.

CONCLUSIONS: In terms of substance use we can conclude that nature directly impacts, while nurture indirectly impacts personality, which is relevant in terms of prevention.


American Psychological Association (n.d). American Psychological Association: Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct

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How to Cite
Madarász, C., Reisz, Ákos M., & Teleki, S. Ágnes. (2023). Cloninger’s Biopsychosocial Personality Model Dimensions as Mediators Between Parenting Styles and Substance Use. Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing, 1(4), 32-48.