Organizational aspects and operational experiences related to digital health in the 2023 „Egészségpart" mobile summer screening and health education program
INTRODUCTION: In 2023, the Hungarian Health Management Society organised the third edition of the "Egészségpart" mobile summer screening and health education programme, where a total of 727 people participated in various screening tests, including general health assessment, blood tests, dermatological and digital oral screening. The aim of the study was to present the organisational and operational aspects of the 2023 "Egészségpart" programme in relation to digital health, including human resource needs and allocation, the use of a skills lab and communication methods. The study will show how a mobile programme can serve as a communication tool for the population, while also being a digital health centre.
METHODOLOGY: The study analysed in detail the number and distribution of screening participants by residence, the layout of the screening programme elements and the process of participation. The human resources needed to implement the programme were assessed, as well as aspects of agile collaboration between partners. In addition, we evaluated the communication and dissemination tools related to the screening programme and presented the digital oral screening implemented in the framework of the skill lab.
RESULTS: A total of 727 people participated in various screening tests, including blood tests, lifestyle risk assessment, dermatological and digital oral screening. A particular focus was put on the use of digital tools and AI-enabled solutions, the development of a digital health skills lab function and the promotion of digital health solutions. Among the screening participants, the proportion of women was over fifty percent and the average age was 54.2 years. More than half (60.2%) of the participants came from counties around Lake Balaton and a quarter (25.3%) from Pest county. An average of 31 collaborators per day from 11 background institutions and partner organisations, including the National Directorate General of Hospitals and the National Public Health and Pharmacy Centre, were involved in the implementation of the programme. The collaborating organisations had different scopes of activities and tasks. Agile cooperation allowed for fast and efficient problem solving. The communication methods used during the programme, more than 30 on-site advertisements and posters, Facebook and website ads reaching more than 40 000 and 50 000 people respectively, and information about the screening programme, successfully increased the awareness and knowledge of the participants. The programme has also used technological solutions and digital tools that are now supported and assisted by artificial intelligence (e.g. mouth scanners). By digital health skills lab, we mean a training centre or educational site where healthcare workers and students can develop their digital skills and learn and master the use of digital health tools.
CONCLUSIONS: It is now known how to effectively integrate and operate digital solutions in health screening programmes. Egészségpart 2023 has successfully combined traditional screening procedures with the incorporation of new technologies, such as the use of digital oral scanners for oral screening and the support of data-driven health solutions. Each year, the layout of the programme elements needs to be tailored to the sites to ensure optimal performance.
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