Editorial Board

Ágnes BORNEMISZA, founding editor

She has worked in the health sector for 30 years, 10 years as a nurse and 20 years as a district and school nurse. She is currently working as a teaching assistant at the University of Pécs Faculty of Health Sciences teaching students of midwifery. Part-time she is a mental health specialist and grief counsellor, helping families and mothers coping with loss, especially in the area of perinatal grief. For university students, she leads self-awareness groups and accompanies them on the path of (self-) discovery through story therapy and drawing analysis. Her doctoral thesis is on the impact of perinatal grief on siblings. 

Boróka GÁCS, editor

She has been a counselling psychologist, a research fellow and lecturer at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences of the University of Pécs for 10 years, a member of the Department of Medical Education Development and Communication, and the professional leader of Student Counselling and the Psychological Counselling Service. He completed his PhD studies at the Doctoral School of Theoretical Medicine. Since 2020, she has been the leader of the Mental Wellbeing project of the Medical School Wellbeing Strategy.

Edina KISS, founding proofreader

Psychologist at the Sántha Kálmán Hospital of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Teaching Hospital in Nagykálló. She conducts psychodiagnostic examinations and psychotherapy in inpatient and outpatient settings.

Zsófia KOLLÁNYI, founding editor

She is an economist and social policy analyst. She is a senior lecturer at ELTE. Her main research interest is in health inequalities, and the dynamic socieconomic system surrounding and forming it.

Orsolya KUTAI, founding deputy editor-in-chief (technical)

Economist, communications specialist. Over the past 10 years, she has been involved in a number of health promotion, prevention and public health related national and EU funded developments, projects and campaigns. She is currently working at the Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center and at the National Healthcare Service Center as a project manager in the field of communication. 

Dóra PRIEVARA, founding editor

She graduated from the Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged in 2013 with a degree in Counseling and School Psychology. Her PhD thesis was on the psycho-social background factors and prevention possibilities of problematic internet use. Currently, she is working as a lecturer at the Department of Health Psychology and Mental Health Promotion, Institute of Applied Health Sciences and Environmental Education, Juhász Gyula Faculty of  Education, University of Szeged.

Judit SCHMIDT, founding proofreader

In 2005 she graduated as a dietitian, in 2009 as a vocational teacher of health care. In early 2022 she also completed a training as a workplace wellbeing project manager, as wellbeing is a topic close to her professional goals and activities. She is mainly involved in education and prevention, writing articles, proofreading, lecturing, blogging, and writing professional background material. She is the editor of the New Diet journal.  

Klára TARKÓ, founding deputy editor-in-chief (professional)

She graduated from the József Attila University of Szeged in 1995 with a degree in secondary school teacher of Physics and English, and in 2007 she received a degree in Sociology from the Eötvös Loránd University. She is currently working as a college professor at the Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education,      University of Szeged, she is head of the Institute of Applied Health Sciences and Environmental Education and head of the Department of Health Sociology and Lifestyle. Since 2020, she has been Deputy Dean for Education and Innovation at the  Juhász GyulaFaculty of Education.

Krisztina TÓTH, founding layout editor

Specialist in Hungarian language and literature and new media graphics. Since the beginning she has been working in communication/marketing, editing, in the field of (nutritional) health. She also works with disadvantaged groups, mainly children, as a volunteer. 

József VITRAI, founding editor-in-chief

He graduated in biology and in his PhD thesis analysed the causes of health inequalities. As a lead researcher, he has participated in several health surveys and health reports. He has worked twice as a head of department in the health administration and for more than a decade in national institutes of public health. He retired at the end of 2019, but is still active as a researcher in several projects. Since 2020, he is the President of the Association for the Renewal of Hungarian Public Health.