About the sections


Under this column, the authors shall present their own research findings and related conclusions in the light of the backgrounds and international data.

Required structure:

  • A maximum of 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and in English (Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions)
  • Keywords in Hungarian and is English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter))
  • Key messages in 3 sentences of up to 25 words, answer the following questions:
    • Why is the topic important?
    • What has been known about the topic so far?
    • How does this article contribute to a better understanding of the topic?
  • The main text shall not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references:
    • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
    • Methodology
    • Results (including sample characteristics)
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
  • List of references


The publications under this column summarize and critically evaluate the literature on a specific topic, selected by the author using a pre-set methodology. The pre-set search-, selection- and evaluation methodology should be described in the manuscript.

Required structure:

  • A maximum 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and in English (Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions)
  • Keywords in Hungarian and is English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter)
  • Key messages in 3 sentences of up to 25 words, answer the following questions:
    • Why is the topic important?
    • What has been known about the topic so far?
    • How does this article contribute to a better understanding of the topic?
  • The main text shall not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references:
    • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
  • List of references


The section aims to foster constructive professional dialogue by sharing opinions, ideas and discussion papers on health and well-being. The views expressed in the Opinions section are those of the author and do not, of course, necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Editorial Board.

Required structure:

  • A maximum 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and in English (Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions)
  • Keywords in Hungarian and is English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter)
  • Key messages in 3 sentences of up to 25 words, answer the following questions:
    • Why is the topic important?
    • What has been known about the topic so far?
    • How does this article contribute to a better understanding of the topic?
  • The main text shall not exceed 3000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references:
    • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
    • Methodology
    • Results (including sample characteristics)
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
  • List of references

Artificial intelligence

In the articles published in this column, the authors share their knowledge and experience of using artificial intelligence (AI) for health and well-being.

Required structure:

  • A maximum 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and in English (Objective, Accomplishment, Conclusions)
  • Keywords in Hungarian and is English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter)
  • The main text shall not exceed 2000 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references:
    • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
    • Objective (objective/question)
    • Accomplishment
    • Conclusions
  • List of references

Junior researches

This section is dedicated to publications by students studying and intending to enter a career in health and social sciences. The formal and structural requirements are the same as for Researches or Reviews except for the length of the publication and the fact that the article is reviewed by the editorial board.

Required structure:

  • A maximum of 500 words Abstract in Hungarian and in English (Introduction/Background, Methodology, Results, Conclusions)
  • Keywords in Hungarian and is English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter))
  • Key messages in 3 sentences of up to 25 words, answer the following questions:
    • Why is the topic important?
    • What has been known about the topic so far?
    • How does this article contribute to a better understanding of the topic?
  • The main text shall not exceed 1500 words, excluding tables, keywords, figures, and references:
    • Introduction (required content: background/antecedents, research aims/research questions)
    • Methodology
    • Results (including sample characteristics)
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions
  • List of references

Visual extracts

This section is for presenting illustrations that convey an important message.

Required structure:

  • Title in the following format: Visual extract: Title
  • Keywords in Hungarian and in English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter).
  • In the main body of the document, a few lines of background and antecedents in a maximum of 200 words; up to 3 figures, with explanatory text and source citation below; and the presenter's findings on national applicability in 3-5 sentences at the end, under the subheading "Recommendation".

Short Reviews

There are several types of content available in the Short Reviews section:

  • Article review: a short summary of articles published and peer-reviewed elsewhere.
  • Policy document: presenting concepts, recommendations, standards and methodological guidelines in the field of promoting health and well-being, presenting position statements, key working papers, reports or other key documents, websites of national and international organisations of relevant disciplines - including public health, preventive medicine, psychology, nutrition science, sports science, sociology, social work, social policy, education, economics, cultural anthropology and their interdisciplinary fields.
  • Book review: a short review of a book or publication.
  • Recommendation: recommendation of the current issue of other journals.
  • Translation: literal translation of highly relevant professional article.

Required structure:

  • Title chosen by the author in the following format: Article review: Title; Report: Title; Book review: Title; Recommendation: Title.
  • Exact bibliographical reference of the article/document/book/webpage etc. to be reviewed (see later).
  • Keywords in Hungarian and in English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter).
  • If required by the length of the text presented, an Abstract may be included in a maximum of 500-500 words, the author deciding on the structure.
  • The main text shall not exceed 1000 words excluding tables, keywords and figures, in the original structure of the document presented, with the presenter's findings on national applicability in 3-5 sentences at the end, under the subheading "Recommendation".
  • References (reference of the article/document/book/webpage etc. to be reviewed and if the author refers to other publications than the one reviewed).


In this section translations of highly relevant professional documents may be published if the text is at least 50% identical to the original text.

Required structure:

  • Title in the following format: Translation: Title
  • Keywords in Hungarian and in English, minimum 3 maximum 5 (to be entered in OJS one by one, separated by Enter).
  • Main body.


The section can be used to announce or report on professional events, or to introduce professional organisations or outstanding professionals. Concerning the appropriate structure of the manuscript the author decides and it should not exceed 300 words.


This section is for comments and opinions related to an article published in the Journal (exceptionally elsewhere). The title of the commentary may be chosen by the author, but the first sentence should refer to the article to which the commentary relates. Other literature may also be cited, the author decides on the appropriate structure of the manuscript, which should not exceed 500 words.