Corporate "well-being" in everyday life - University of Pécs, Medical School on the way to becoming a joyful organization
INTRODUCTION: Higher education institutions around the world are facing significant changes in education, student experience and institutional well-being. In the modern higher education environment, institutional well-being is not only about infrastructural improvements and professional outcomes, but also more broadly about maintaining and improving the physical, mental and social well-being of students and staff. In this article, we use the example of the Medical School of the University of Pécs (UPMS) to illustrate the potential of organisational well-being in the context of everyday tasks.
METHODOLOGY: A literature analysis, a comparative analysis of the main elements of the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX) method were carried out. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted to investigate the functioning of the 4DX method used to support the implementation of the faculty strategy (PotePillars).
RESULTS: The application of the 4DX method in an organisation enables communication between actors based on the organisation's objectives, building trust and respect. The key element of the method is that the members of the organisation take responsibility for the selection and implementation of their own tasks. It is a method that promotes organisational well-being as well as individual well-being.
CONCLUSIONS: The 4DX embodies the organizational attachment described by Lövey and Nadkarni (2007), which develops when individuals feel that they are important, autonomous members of an institution, identify with the organizational culture, and have multidirectional relationships within the organization. The backbone and performance of an organization is provided by its key players, i.e. human resources are a critical determinant of organizational success (Bakacsi, 2015). Our experience shows that the model we use is useful in supporting both individual and organizational well-being.
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