The specific status of three described taxa belonging to the genus Pseudopodisma (P. fieberi, P. transilvanica, P. nagyi) is based on a single character, because the original descriptions separate the species solely on the basis of genital structure of the males, and the three species are seemingly indistinguishable based on external morphology. To test this taxo-nomic separation we conducted morphometric and molecular investigations in the genus. Males were a priori identified by the original descriptions of the taxa, and from 18 external morphometric characters collected, the six most eligible characters of males and females were selected for linear discriminant analysis. The linear discriminant based classification agreed for 35 (85.3%) male and 30 (88.2%) female specimens out of the 41 a priori identified males and 34 females. Besides morphometrics, we sequenced the cytochrome b gene with newly devised primers in all species plus two outgroups. The phylogenetic analysis of re-sulting sequences indicated a strong species-delimitation within the genus Pseudopodisma (i.e., multiple individuals of the a priori species formed monophyletic clades). Thus, taking the morphometric and molecular results into consideration, we conclude the validation of specific status of Pseudopodisma fieberi, P. nagyi and P. transilvanica within the genus.
Copyright (c) 2018 Máté Kisfali, Péter Sólymos, Antal Nagy, István A. Rácz, Orsolya Horváth, Gábor Sramkó

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