An integrative description of a new Richtersius species from Greece (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada: Richtersiusidae)
In this paper, we describe a new tardigrade species, Richtersius tertius sp. n., from Greece. The description is based on morphological and morphometric analysis using light and scanning electron microscopy as well as genetic analysis based on four molecular markers (DNA sequences of three nuclear, i.e., 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, ITS-2 and one mitochondrial COI fragment). Morphological and morphometric differences, together with genetic comparisons, provide independent verifications of Richtersius tertius sp. n. as a species new to science. Phenotypically, the new taxon differs from Richtersius coronifer (Richters, 1903) and Richtersius ziemowiti Kayastha, Berdi, Miaduchowska, Gawlak, Łukasiewicz, Gołdyn, Jędrzejewski et Kaczmarek, 2020 mainly by the morphology and size of cuticular pores, present only in hatchlings (first instars), as well as some morphometric characters. The results presented herein contribute further to the recognition of the morphological variability and biodiversity within Richtersius, with Richtersius tertius sp. n. being the third species formally described within the genus.
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