Data on fish fauna of the river Ipoly from a reach downstream the Ipolytölgyes dam

  • Péter Sály HUN-REN Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research; HUN-REN National Laboratory for Water Science and Water Security, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Cent-re for Ecological Research
  • Zoltán Szalóky HUN-REN Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research; HUN-REN National Laboratory for Water Science and Water Security, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Cent-re for Ecological Research
  • Ágnes Maroda HUN-REN Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research; HUN-REN National Laboratory for Water Science and Water Security, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Cent-re for Ecological Research; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Biological Sciences, Depart-ment of Zoology and Ecology
Keywords: Decapoda, strictly protected fish species, Gobiidae, invasive species, nursery habitat, Natura2000 species, ecological connectivity


The dam at Ipolytölgyes is the first water management object on the river which functions as a barrier to the longitudinal moving of fishes swimming upstream from the Danube. The fish fauna was sampled in a 762-metre-long reach next to the dam in mid-September 2023 at baseflow conditions. A total of 25 fish species and an invasive decapod (Faxonius limosus) were detected. Compared to previous original researches, the presence of the Danube ruffe (Gymnocephalus baloni) seems to be a new detection of the species in Ipolytölgyes, and the presences of the Danube streber (Zingel streber) and the zingel (Zingel zingel) support former findings arguing that the lower reach of the Ipoly (in the region of the town of Szob and the village of Ipolytölgyes) is an important habitat of many fish species of conservation interest. Although only presence data and not number of the caught specimens were recorded, high proprotion of the caught fishes belonged to the YOY or juvenile age groups. Particularly, YOY of the barbel (Barbus barbus) were found in remarkable abundance. Results indicate that the gravel-bottomed, rich in gravel pads river reach downstream of the dam provides valuable spawning and nursery habitat not only for populations of fishes living in the Ipoly but also for populations living in the Danube.


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