The result of the examination of the Lengyel culture burials excavated at the site of Bátaszék-Kanizsai-dűlő (Tolna county, M6 TO 46)

  • Kitti Köhler Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Közgyűjteményi Központ - Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Embertani Tár
Keywords: Lengyel culture, Bátaszék-Kanizsai-dűlő, Physical anthropological and paleopathological analysis


Between 2006 and 2009, during rescue excavations prior to the construction of the M6 motorway, a large cemetery of the late Neolithic Lengyel culture was unearthed. During simultaneous excavations by different institutions, it was revealed that the sections of the site with different names belong together. We present the results of the anthropological examination of the cemetery section excavated on the banks of the Lajvér stream in the northwestern part of Bátaszék. The demographic, morphometric and palaeopathological analyses of the 51 graves basically confirmed the results of the analysis of the 859 burials excavated in site section 10/B, which burials were analysed in the doctoral work of the Author. Here we would like to provide additional data with the results of the examination of the anthropological findings discovered in this section of this large cemetery, which was previously treated as a separate unit, in the hope that the examination results of all the graves of the site will also be published in the near future.


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