Phylogeographic connections of dental morphological characteristics in the light of archaeogenetic data

  • Luca Kis Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Embertani Tanszék, Szeged
Keywords: Dental non-metric traits, ASUDAS, Archaeogenetics, Avar period, Hungarian Conquest period


Among the methods belonging to the toolkit of anthropological research, dental non-metric studies investigating the morphological traits of teeth are currently one of the most common for examining the biological relationships between populations. Despite the spread of archaeogenetic analyses, a study comparing the results of genetic and dental non-metric analyses of the same individuals is unique internationally.

In order to address this hiatus, the subject of our study was the dentition of individuals from the Avar and Hungarian Conquest periods of the Carpathian Basin, for whom published whole-genome data were available. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity, the aim of the PhD thesis was to test and develop a literature-based method, and to validate this method with genetic data.

For recording the dental non-metric traits, the latest version of the widely known Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS)-based method was used with minor modifications. To examine the genetic composition of the studied individuals, we performed a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis.

Our research has validated the usefulness of dental non-metric analyses for understanding the origins of past populations using genetic data. Furthermore, we have developed a method, supported by genetic data, that can be used to provide estimates of ancestry even at the individual level. Although our study has highlighted the potential of dental non-metric studies, it has also revealed methodological problems and limitations in testing methods and hypotheses that can only be overcome by extending the study material.


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PhD theses