Biological anthropological investigation of the Gepid Period population of Tiszaug-Országúti bevágás

  • Ágota Madai Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Szegedi Tudományegyetem Biológia Doktori Iskola
  • Zsófia Rácz Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Régészeti Intézet, Budapest
  • Tamás Szeniczey Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Embertani Tanszék
  • Antónia Marcsik Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Embertani Tanszék, Szeged
  • Ágnes B. Tóth Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Régészeti Tanszék, Szeged
  • Gábor Wilhelm Kecskeméti Katona József Múzeum, Kecskemét
  • Tamás Hajdu Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Embertani Tanszék
Keywords: Gepidic Age, Paleodemography, Craniometry, Paleopathology, Artificial Cranial Deformation


The main goal of the research was to broaden the knowledge with additional anthropological and paleopathological data regarding to the population history of the 5th and 6th Century AD of the Eastern Carpathian Basin. 194 individuals from the Gepidic Age cemetery of Tiszaug-Országúti bevágás were analysed. According to the paleodemographic evaluation 63% of the community died until adulthood. The mortality curve of males reaches its peak at the age approximately 45-49, in case of females the curve was bimodal: the rate of death peaks at the age 30-34 and 45-49 as well. The average estimated height was 169,1 cm for men, and 160,6 cm for women. The craniometric comparison of Tiszaug serie with other populations living at the same area at the same time was not possible. This fact is due to the lack of unpublished metric data from the studied era and time interval and due to the low number of measurable skulls without artificial deformation from the Tiszaug cemetery. During the investigation, 25 individuals with artificially deformed crania (ACD) were observed. Besides ACD, most of the frequently observable pathological conditions (infectious conditions, stress markers, abnormality of joints, etc.) were represented in the material.


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