Szinte élő őseink — Egy magyar honfoglaló és kortárs leszármazottjának története
This paper begins with discussions on the archeological and anthropological background, followed by the details of the N-M2218 Y-DNA haplogroup connection between Yakuts and the Hungarian Conquerors, and a section that discusses the expected Yakut-like inherited habits and way-of-life of N-PH1896 haplogroup ancestors. The results of the analysis of the subgroup with different resolutions and perspectives suggest that the bone sample from the Tuzsér occupying military elite find shows a connection between the Hungarian conquerors and the contemporary southern Siberian populations, with a branching time at the end of the Asian Hunnic period (3rd century). It is most likely that the ancestors of the subgroup left the area of present-day Mongolia and the vicinity of Lake Baikal to the west in the 3rd century, at the end of the Xiongnu era. Lake Baikal was also the ancestral home of the Yakuts during this period, from where they migrated to their later place of residence northward along the Lena River. From a socio-anthropological point of view, we also examined the relationship between the ancestors of the conquering Hungarians classified in the PH1896 subgroup and the "early related peoples" classified in other subgroups of the N haplogroup (early Yakuts, Western Buryats, and Southern Samoyeds) based on the memory of their common homeland 5-6 thousand years ago. We found that the Sayan-Baikal region is the oldest meeting point, which is also confirmed by the latest genetic research. It is of great importance because we assume that the "early-related" peoples migrated from here to the west, north, east or stayed in the same region. The paper concludes with the presentation of the results of a facial reconstruction of Conqueror Tuzsér-Boszorkány-hegy along with a brief description of the known history of the Harasti family’s origins in Hungary and their migrations abroad.
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