Hangsúlyos szótagok intonációja a francia nyelvben

Párizsi és québeci nyelvváltozatok összehasonlítása

  • Laura Szabados Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem


The aim of this research is to present the main differences in the intonation of stressed syllables in declarative utterances of spontaneous speech in Parisian and Quebec language variants. We cannot speak about dialectal contrast regarding our results as only six speakers’ (three from Paris, three from Quebec) utterances have been analyzed. However, these results tend to show remarkable similarities with previous descriptive and contrastive studies about the intonation of the two dialects. Generally, the main intonation contour is the same; stressed syllables are always rising – except at the end of the sentence where they are falling – so it is a peaking pattern, and the first peak is consistently a stressed syllable in both variants. The main differences between Parisian and Quebec variants are as follows: in Quebec intonation, the F0 value is generally less high, stressed syllables are not as much characterized by sudden rises as in Parisian intonation, and syllable boundaries are prosodically less clear than the Parisian ones.
