Information For Authors

Instructions for authors of the journal Beszédtudomány – Speech Science

The journal Beszédtudomány – Speech Science invites studies from any field of speech science that have not been published elsewhere. The language of the papers is English or Hungarian. Each manuscript undergoes double-blind peer-review by two independent experts. The editorial board makes the final decision on acceptance or rejection based on the reviewers’ suggestions.

Submission deadline

The submission deadline is the 15th of January for the first and the 15th of May for the second issue of that year. In case the revision process is delayed, the paper will be published in the next issue in case of acceptance.

Submission of your manuscript

The journal contains three sections: regular research papers (full papers), short papers (pilot or case studies, negative or contradictory findings) and methods (methodological descriptions and tutorials).

The minimal length of full papers is 30,000 characters (including spaces), the length of short papers ranges between 15,000 and 25,000 characters, methods are at least 15,000 characters long. Each submission should start with an abstract in English (both for papers in English and in Hungarian) that does not exceed 2,000 characters. Abstracts should not contain references and undefined abbreviations. Please provide 3 to 6 keywords in English, for papers in Hungarian accompanied by their Hungarian equivalents. Manuscripts should not contain author names, affiliations, email addresses and acknowledgements. Please submit your initial manuscript as a pdf file.

The submission process is conducted via the OJS system:

All authors need to register in the system when uploading the initial manuscript, and they need to be assigned to the paper, in order to include their names in the editing process and the published version.

Revised version after reviewing

Please provide a rebuttal letter addressing potential issues raised by reviewers and editors. Upload two versions of your manuscript, one indicating changes by colouring or change tracking, the other containing the revised manuscript. 

Final version for publication

Revised versions for publication will be accepted as doc, docx, rtf, odt or tex files. Figures for the final version should additionally be submitted separately as eps, png or bmp files or pdf if the submission is in LaTex.

In the final version, the title should be followed by author names, affiliation and email address. If the paper has several authors, please indicate the names of maximally three primary authors after the acknowledgements.

Formatting requests

The paper format is A4 with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. The main text should be Times New Roman 12 pt with line spacing 1.5. The fonts of the bibliography and the tables should be Times New Roman 10 pt. The fonts in the figures should be at least 9 pt in Times New Roman. Please use only UTF-8 font sets, also in the case of special symbols like IPA. The main text of the manuscript should be justified and contain no hyphenation. Microsoft Word users are asked to submit the article without any automatic formatting (numbering, header formatting etc.). Authors submitting a LaTeX file should use the elsarticle document class and the review option. 

Headers should be numbered by Arabic numbers according to the following format: 1., 1.1, 1.1.1. Use no more than three levels of headers.

Linguistic examples should be in italics, emphasis should be printed in bold. The font of programming code should be Courier New. Footnotes or endnotes should not be used.

Citations and References

During the formatting of the in-text citations and references, please use the newapa style of the following document:

When using LaTeX, the appropriate bibliography style is provided in the package natbib, and bibliographystyle should be defined as newapa.

The authors and the year of the publication should appear between parentheses separated by a comma (Aspin, 1949). When citing several studies in one pair of parentheses, the individual items should be separated by a semicolon (Aspin, 1949; Andrews et al., 1980). If you wish to cite several studies of the same author from the same year, please denote these using a, b, c… after the year (Horváth, 2017a,b). If the study has two authors, use & between their names. In the case of 3 or more authors, the abbreviation et al. should appear after the first author's name (Anderson & McLean, 1974). When citing papers with three or more authors, the first author's name should be followed by the abbreviation et al. (Andrews et al., 1980).

The formatting of the References should follow the examples below.

Anderson, V. L. & McLean, R. A. (1974). Design of Experiments: a Realistic Approach. New York: Marcel Dekker.

Andrews, H., Snee, R., & Sarner, M. (1980). Graphical display of means. The American Statistician, 34, 195–199.

Aspin, A. (1949). Tables for use in comparisons whose accuracy involves two variances separately estimated. Biometrika, 36, 290–293.

Dong, X. & Nair, V. (1999). Bayesian analysis of the location-dispersion model. Technical report, University of Michigan.

Horváth, V. (2017a). Közlések grammatikai szerkesztettsége 6–9 éves gyermekek narratíváiban. Anyanyelv-pedagógia, 10(4), 5–18.

Horváth, V. (2017b). Megakadásjelenségek és időzítési sajátosságaik 6–9 éves gyermekek spontán narratíváiban. In J. Bóna (Ed.), Új utak a gyermeknyelvi kutatásokban (pp. 97–120). Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó.

Kinzer, G. R. (1985). Application of two-cubed factorial designs to process studies. In R. D. Snee, L. B. Hare, & J. R. Trout (Eds.), Experiments in Industry: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Results (pp. 39–45). Milwaukee: Quality Press.