Civil Society as the Arena of the New European Climate Hegemony

A neo-Gramscian Approach to European Green Transition

  • Mihail Caradaica National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)


Using a neo-Gramscian approach, this paper explores the concept of civil society as an arena where European climate hegemony is built. The EU’s green transition, which involves deep social and economic transformations, needs extensive popular support to avoid social instability and the rise of populist parties. To achieve this, the European Commission is trying to construct a counter-hegemonic discourse that challenges the traditional modes of a fossil fuel-based economy by creating an alliance of actors around the ideology of just transition. Therefore, the study addresses the following research question: who are the change agents within European civil society that have aligned with the alliance, and how is fostering a counter-hegemonic discourse against the traditional economic model? By employing a qualitative methodological approach, the study explores the crucial function of civil society in the European green transition, exposing the most important agents and how these agents facilitate the formation of a new climate hegemony.


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Hogyan kell idézni
CaradaicaM. (2024). Civil Society as the Arena of the New European Climate Hegemony: A neo-Gramscian Approach to European Green Transition. Civil Szemle, 21(2), 5-18.
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