Civil society in the context of the EU accession: the case of Montenegro

  • Diana-Gabriella Reianu
Keywords: civil society, Montenegro, government, policy making, EU integration


This study aims to provide evidence on the role of the civil society in the EU integration of the Western Balkans and the involvement of the civil society in the policy-making process, with a case study on Montenegro. We have chosen Montenegro as a case study even though Montenegro is a small state, being a state at the intersection of ma­jor geopolitical clashes. The research was conducted by correspondence in March-May 2023, the questions being addressed online to different non-governmental organiza­tions in Montenegro, with the aim of learning about the role and involvement of civic society, the relationship between NGOs and state institutions, and cooperation among civil society organizations. The analysis shows a weak relationship between civil society organizations and state institutions and a low involvement in policy-making process, usually conducted pro forma, and high-level of dissatisfaction among NGOs concerning the work of the government. The lessons learned by the civil society sector are that it can only rely on international aid, and the sustainability of this sector in the future could only be achieved by relying more heavily on foreign project calls.


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How to Cite
ReianuD.-G. (2024). Civil society in the context of the EU accession: the case of Montenegro. Civil Rewiev, 21(1), 123-135.