NATO requirements of counter-improvised explosive device (C-IED) training

Keywords: C-IED, Counter-Improvised Explosive Device, training, NATO


Nowadays, with the rise of asymmetric warfare, the most common weapons of terroristgroups have become improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Counter-Improvised ExplosiveDevice (C-IED) has become a priority in the planning and execution of military operations.In 2012, the NATO NSA issued its standardization agreement on C-IED trainingrequirements. Even in the same year, the Hungarian Defence Forces adopted and introducedthe convention, the related document of which has been revised and amended several timessince its publication. My goal is to prepare a summary of the requirements of NATO forC-IED training, in order to give direction to the review and development of the C-IEDtraining system of the Hungarian Defense Forces.

Military art