Does the emergency information system work well? In other words: can public protection be enhanced?

Keywords: public information, credibility, generation, media, fake news


 Recently, there has been a major shift in the development of information. In addition to a drastic shift in the positive direction, information development has also had negative social consequences in several directions. It has made the task of providing the public with information on several fronts in the defence system a challenge. Media propaganda, fake news and deepfakes pose a particular risk to the credibility of emergency information and to the public's trust. The article draws attention to the different needs arising from generational differences and the likely consequences of media influences and the introduction of new communication channels.


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évi CLXXXV. törvény a médiaszolgáltatásokról és a tömegkommunikációról

/2011. (XI. 10.) Korm. rendelet a katasztrófavédelemről és a hozzá kapcsolódó egyes törvények módosításáról szóló 2011. évi CXXVIII. törvény végrehajtásáról

Social science