Characteris tics and Challenges of China's Absorptive S trategy in the Technology R ace

  • Krisztina Budavári Ludovika National University of Public Service Doctoral School of Military Sciences;
Keywords: absorptive strategy, indust, rial espionage, China, imitation, great power competition,


In recent decades, China has made significant progress in closing up to the technological level of the U.S. by prioritizing technological innovations and applying the absorption stra tegy. However, it has failed to exceed or even match U.S. capabilities so far. Its current strategic goal is to take over the
leadership in technology from the U.S. In the current technological environment, China’s absorption strategy is unsuitable for suc h a takeover, moreover, system level characteristics also hinder the improvement of the innovation capacity. To achieve its strategic goal China must improve its generative capacity and emphasize original innovations.


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National defence